Saturday, July 14, 2007

Grandmother's 94th birthday

My grandmother turned 94 on July 3rd. This is the third birthday we've been able to spend with her since she moved to Atlanta. She wanted us to wait and celebrate on the following weekend, when we arrived in Atlanta for a week's stay at Dad & Jan's. Gregory attended a soccer academy at Oglethorpe University (Aunt Cheri's alma mater) all week, so take a good look, because he doesn't appear in the rest of the week's photos!

Grandmother has always loved chocolate, and this cake was for serious chocoholics. It came from Jolie-Kobe bakery on Roswell Road, which Katherine and I returned to for lunch later in the week (they have a bistro for meals as well as the bakery). Gregory & Katherine sampled their eclairs and pronounced them delicious.

Four generations. No, we didn't plan to wear coordinating shirts.
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