Tuesday, November 20, 2007

First snow of the season

About 9 am, first flakes. The moment the kids have been waiting for, the thing they pined for during our adventures in the deep South. Truly, no matter how you feel about snow as an adult, if you think back to childhood, you can't help but remember the way it felt -- like your insides were skipping with joy -- when you looked out and saw -- IT'S SNOWING!

About 10 minutes later, a tasty dusting. Will it stick? Will it stay cold enough to remain a crystalline delight, or will it switch to the dreaded (and forecast) rain/snow mix?

Victory, it is still coming down hard two hours later. The thermometer is steady at 30 degrees. Katherine has added snowpants and boots to her ensemble. She has rolled in the snow, thrown snowballs, made a snow serpent on the deck, and dragged her saucer sled out. Gregory pokes his head out and then retreats to the garage to kick the soccer ball against the wall. The streets are covered, my car wears a white blanket, the bare trees and evergreens are frosted with beautiful, wonderful first snow!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

And I'm stuck at work...I did have a healthy walk down the hill, however, and it's beautiful.

Hope my parents feel the same. o.O