Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February happenings

Not to many photos this time -- I haven't taken my hands out of the warmth of my gloves and/or coat pockets much this February. But it's been awhile since my last update, so I thought I'd share what the kids have been up to. We have been ice skating about once a week. The kids had new skates for Christmas, and I got a great pair of used skates at Concord's annual Ski & Skate sale in December. We go during the weekday public skate either here or in Laconia near their friends' house. It's never crowded, which is nice. You can see that today's skates are pretty cool -- both kids have thinsulate lining, they are styled more like athletic shoes/boots so no pinched toes, and Katherine's are actually adjustable so she can wear them as her feet grow.

None of us are doing jumps, but we can all stay on our feet and the kids are getting pretty speedy. He enjoys the cross training. He is continuing to play lots of soccer, but it's almost impossible to get a photo through glass at the indoor facility, and the action on the field is so fast I am not sure we could film it. I'll try to get a photo of him before or after his next game.

We also recently wrapped up our exploration of Indonesia. We had beef curry, coconut rice, and fried baby bananas for our meal. Everyone enjoyed learning about the interesting ecology, geology, culture, history, and archaeology of this fascinating country. I got interested in Indonesian literature. Next up? Pakistan.

What else have we been doing? Katherine is taking a quilting class and has been enjoying time with friends. Gregory is drumming and got his friend Billy into drums, too. We've been to some great local concerts (jazz and classical). I'm singing with a community chorus. Oh, and we've all been clearing the driveway . . . Concord's total snowfall this year is over 7 feet so far.
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